Mini tiller with assories


Rate: Nu. 130,840.00

Model No. Part No. Manufacturer
MM658A NA Mitsubishi
Note: The price and availability of items at FMCL stores are subject to change.

Stock and Contact Details
Store In Stock Contact No. Email
      Manufacturing & Production Unit
      ADM-Store (Head Quarter, Paro)
Bajo Regional Office
      ADM-Store (RFMCL, Bajo)
      FMSC Drakten
      Bajo Store Jangchuk Dema, 02-481431/17291622
      Nobding FMSC
Bumthang Regional Office
      Procurement Division
      Central Store Sandip Raj Gurung (Procurement Head) - 77736173
Corporate Governance Department
      Dead Stock
      Production Store Kindly Contact Paro Store nil
      Store Bumtang
Khangma Regional Office
      Yalang POL Station
      FMSC Phuntshothang
      POL Station-Ngatshang Mongar
      POL Station Drametse
      FMSC Tangmachu
      Kangpar POL Station
      FMSD Pemagatshel
      Khangma Store Tashi Tenzin - 17425276 Nil
      ADM-Store (RFMCL, Khangma)
      Samrang Geog
      FMSC Pangbang
      Thrimtshing Geog
      POL Station Merak
Paro Regional Office
      FMSC, Yoseltse
      Dechenphu Farm
      Thimphu Farm
      ADM-Store (RFMCL, Paro)
      Nitchula Farm
      FMSC Samtse
      DFP Haa
      Paro Store Tshewang Lhamo, 17978281
Samtenling Regional Office
      Samteling Store 77361862
      ADM-Store (RFMCL, Samteling)
      DFP Zhemgang
      FMSC Buli
      FMSC Chuzagang
      FMSC Tsirang Contact Samtenling Store RFMCL Samtenling
      FMSC Lhamoizingkha