
The project for improvement of Farm Machineries for Hiring Services of Tillage (Phase 2) in the Kingdom of Bhutan


A team lead by Dr. NAGAYO Narihide from Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) and Mrs. Kinlay Tshering, Director, Department of Agriculture (DoA) is meeting in Thimphu to discuss on the afformentioned project assumed to be executed through Japanese Grant. The JICA team will also visit RFMCL, Samtenling under Sarpang Dzongkhag as a part of preparatory mission/survey for the project. The objective of meeting is expected to address following issues:

1. To ascertain the background, purpose, and content of the proposed project.

2. To analyse the effect of technical and economic feasibility for the upcoming project.

3. To propose the scope of responsibilities to be undertaken by the receipent country.

FMCL will be playing vital role in taking up this project in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.