
Shortlisted Candidate for the post of Marketing Officer.


The Management of Farm Machinery Corporation Limited, Paro would like to announce the Shortlisted candidate for the post of Marketing Officer, Headquarter, Paro as follows:

SL# Applicant's Name CID Contact No.
1 Phuntsho Wangdi 11512002654 17743952
2 Karma Chophel 11103000072 17404001
3 Tshering Lhamo 11502004407 17811130
4 Hari Kumar Rai 11306002834 77816209
5 Sonam Dorji 11913000908 17343455
6 Sonam Tobgay 10905005465 77882404
7 Tshering    Tobgay 12001002242 17707342
8 Dorji Wangchuk 12002001244 17804793


Interview Schedule:

Venue: FMCL, Paro, HQ.                        

Time: 9AM.           

Date: 11th February, 2025.

Shortlisted candidates are requested to report for the selection interview as per the schedule mentioned above. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of their selection. All original documents must be presented at the time of the interview, along with a No Objection Certificate (NOC) if the candidate is currently employed.

For further information contact at: 08272768 during office hours.