
Interview result for the post driver


sn Name CID Total Score (100%) Ranking Remarks
1 Karma Wangchuk 11606000681 Absent Absent Absent
2 Sonam Zangpo 11606000701 64.78 1st   Selected
3 Tek Man Pradhan 11803001095 61.97 2nd  Standby
4 Singh Bir Yonzan 11311000741 44.45 5th  not Selected
5 Gyem Dorji 10306001713 55.31 4th  not Selected
6 Bik Ram Rai 11307001777 55.51 3rd Standby

The selected candidate shall report to FMCL head office, Paro on 6th July 2020 (Monday) at 8.30 AM